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Review of Industrial Economics and Policy

  • Publisher Il Mulino
  • ISSN 0019-7416
  • E-ISSN 1973-8137
  • Periodicity three-monthly


Permanent CFP: Systemic strategies supporting made in Italy

L'Industria invites researchers to submit papers on systemic strategies supporting made in Italy. The latter is traditionally understood as a bundle of largely export-oriented sectors that encompasses the 3Fs + A, i.e. food, fashion, furniture and – to some extent – automation (Becattini, 1988; Fortis, 2016). Goods produced in such sectors usually have a strong symbolic content, since their production and marketing uses collections of images and symbols that refer to the culture, language and cultural and natural heritage of a specific place
(Bertoli, 2013; Govers and Go, 2016).

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CALL FOR PAPERS: The Wealth of the Nations: Production Dynamics and Manufacturing Change

Guest Editors: Patrizio Bianchi (Università di Ferrara and Regione Emilia-Romagna), Roberto Scazzieri (University of Bologna and University of Cambridge)

Permanent Call: No deadlines.

Call for papers: Structural industrial policies and the path out of the crisis

Associate Editors: Cesare Pozzi (Università degli Studi di Foggia) e Alessandro Sarra
(Università degli Studi di G. D’Annunzio di Chieti e Pescara)

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Call for papers: The «state of the art» in the implementation of the Circular economy

Associate Editors: Francesca Spigarelli (Università di Macerata), Alessandro Sarra
(Università degli Studi di G. D’Annunzio di Chieti e Pescara), Alessandro Marra
(Università degli Studi di G. D’Annunzio di Chieti e Pescara), Massimo Beccarello
(Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca), Giacomo Di Foggia (Università degli Studi di

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CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS: Industrial policy: learning from international practices”

Associate Editors: Marco R. Di Tommaso (Università degli Studi di Ferrara and c.MET05) and Elisa Barbieri (Università degli Studi di Venezia Ca’ Foscari and c.MET05)

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Permanent call for papers: Il posizionamento dell’Italia nelle Global Value Chain

Associate Editors: Lauretta Rubini (Università di Ferrara) and Francesca Spigarelli (Università di Macerata)


Permanent CFP: The Italian Recovery and Resilience Plan

Discussing the theoretical framework and collecting empirical evidence. Guest Editors: Marco R. Di Tommaso and Francesco Prota. We welcome contributions aimed at analysing the multifaceted aspects of the Italian RRP, also in comparison with other national RRPs currently being implemented across European countries.

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CFP: Misallocation and Productivity in Italy

L'Industria invites researchers to submit papers on misallocation and productivity in Italy.

For further information please contact:

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CFP: L'impatto delle innovazioni digitali nei sistemi produttivi locali

Editors: Marco Bellandi (Università di Firenze), Giancarlo Corò (Università di Venezia), Gianfranco Viesti (Università di Bari)

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Associate Editors: Annamaria Nifo, Università del Sannio; Lauretta Rubini, Università di Ferrara.

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Call for papers: The State and Prospects of Regulation

Associate Editors: Nicola Matteucci, Marche Polytechnic University; Claudio De Vincenti
Sapienza University of Rome

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Permanent call for papers: L’innovazione organizzativa nelle imprese manifatturiere prima e durante la Grande Recessione

Associate Editors: Alessandro Arrighetti e Fabio Landini, Università degli Studi di Parma

  • Publisher Il Mulino
  • ISSN 0019-7416
  • E-ISSN 1973-8137
  • Periodicity three-monthly




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