Cover European Society


book € 25,00
series "Le vie della civiltà"
pp. 352, Brossura, 978-88-15-25877-9
publication year 2015

This book offers an overview of European society and addresses crucial topics that have affected its history and will determine its future: population and migration; boundaries and nationalism; the urban experience and its role in history; churches, religious pluralism, fundamentalism; language; universities, from their medieval origins to contemporary mass higher education, and other knowledge institutions; political systems, parliaments, governments; inequality and welfare; economic integration and markets. The authors do not dwell on the past but rather look to the future and what the Old Continent wishes to become, and thus outline a profile for Europe’s potential place in the world in the 21st century.

Alessandro Cavalli formerly taught Sociology at the University of Pavia.

Alberto Martinelli is professor emeritus of Political Science and Sociology at the University of Milan.

I. L'identità europea
II. Il nazionalismo
III. Le lingue
IV. Le religioni
V. Le università
VI. Le città
VII. La popolazione
VIII. Il sistema politico e le istituzioni dell'Unione europea
IX. Partiti, elezioni e gruppi di pressione
X. Il welfare state europeo
XI. L'economia europea
XII. La gestione della crisi economico-finanziaria
Riferimenti bibliografici
Indice dei nomi

See also

copertina La nevicata del secolo
copertina The Wise Men and the Star