Cover By Land and By Sea


cover price € 18,00
book € 17,10
e-book € 12,99
Formato:  ePub
series "Biblioteca storica"
pp. 232, Brossura, 978-88-15-29499-9
publication year 2022


By Land and By Sea

Fifteen Migrations from Ancient Times to the Present

All of humanity’s history is marked by periodic movements of people, prompted to migrate by a variety of reasons and circumstances, with results ranging from complete success to utter disaster. The author describes fifteen migrations that affected the Western world: Europe and America. The stories are organized according to the varying degree of individual freedom that determined the choice to move: from the absolute lack of freedom that characterizes forced displacements (as in the Soviet Union during World War II) to the opposite case of “free” travel (as in the case of the great transoceanic migrations during which millions of people crossed the Atlantic Ocean towards the United States, between the 19th and 20th centuries). Moving and changing one’s place of residence, physical environment and homeland is a human prerogative: migration can be used or remain dormant for some time… but its potential is and always will be substantial.

Massimo Livi Bacci is professor emeritus at the University of Florence and a member of Italy’s Accademia dei Lincei.

World English and world Spanish rights sold.

I. Antichità
1. Duemila anni fa, Seneca
2. Coloni e fondatori: ápoikoi e oikistés
3. Le Res gestae di Augusto
4. Popoli in marcia
II. Nelle mani dello stato
1. Le migrazioni forzate
2. Il Perù: su e giù per le Ande
3. Fine di un impero
4. L’Unione Sovietica e i nemici interni
III. Misfatti della natura
1. Natura matrigna
2. Siccità
3. Un’odissea caraibica
4. Irlanda: la peronospora della diaspora
IV. Migrazioni organizzate
1. In cammino, non da soli
2. Les filles du roi nel laboratorio della Nouvelle France
3. Il Drang nach Osten e la germanizzazione dell’est europeo
4. Dal Reno al Volga con Caterina la Grande
V. Migrazioni libere
1. Un fenomeno raro
2. Muoversi in libertà
3. La grande migrazione transoceanica
4. L’onda di avanzamento e l’America
Indice dei luoghi
Indice dei nomi

See also

copertina Against an Invisible Enemy
copertina Conquista
copertina The Rome You Don’t Know
copertina Università generativa