Cover Lady Travellers and the Grand Tour


cover price € 16,00
book € 15,20
e-book € 11,99
Formato:  Kindle , ePub
series "Intersezioni"
pp. 256, Brossura, 978-88-15-28590-4
publication year 2020


Lady Travellers and the Grand Tour

Tales, Passions, Adventures

For women the Grand Tour was unquestionably an opportunity for cultural refinement and entertainment, but also a crucial existential episode, often embodying a dramatic gesture of emancipation. Relating their travel experiences, 18th century ladies and later bourgeois women – including Anne-Marie du Boccage, Madame de Staël, and Mary Shelley – tell romantic love stories, as well as intrigues worthy of a gothic novel, against the backdrop of natural and artistic landscapes that stand out due to their glowing indifference. As Sydney Morgan and Anna Jameson have shown, women travellers display a special sensitivity that penetrates the most hidden folds of a country and allows them to listen without prejudice to its voices, explore its political conditions, customs and habits, and discover its inestimable riches.

Attilio Brilli is a major expert on travel literature; his books have been translated into several languages.

Donne in viaggio à la milor anglais
I. Venere fra cardinali e cicisbei
II. La «comare di Bath» va in viaggio
III. In carrozza con il cantante e il clavicembalo
IV. Le mogli gemelle
V. Una pittrice in fuga dalla Rivoluzione
VI. Finale di viaggio in nero
VII. Il viaggio mancato
VIII. Sedotta da Cagliostro
IX. L’amoroso Baedeker
X. L’oracolo delle viaggiatrici
XI. La scia iridescente della lumaca
XII. Il viaggio politico di una giacobina
XIII. Amica malinconia
XIV. Conversazioni col fantasma
XV. «Soffrire è diverso sotto questo cielo»
XVI. In viaggio per sé e per gli altri
Indice dei nomi

See also

copertina Spring
copertina Storia universale e patologia dello spirito
copertina La massoneria a Livorno
copertina Petrarca e la visione dell'eterno