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Cover Seductive Venus


book € 15,00
e-book € 10,99
Formato:  ePub
series "Intersezioni"
pp. 195, Brossura, 978-88-15-29498-2
publication year 2022


Seductive Venus

Enchanted and Disconcerted Travellers

For travellers visiting it during the Grand Tour era, Italy was an endless mine of antiquity, an open-air museum of a beauty that only Greeks and Romans seemed able to create. This was especially true of the statues, disturbing in their perfection, widely admired, yet also sources of scandal. Venus was the most emblematic example: dazzling nudity, limb proportions that artists kept busy measuring, carnality encouraging admirers to caress and hug. The Medici Venus in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, the Capitoline Venus in Rome, and the Landolina Venus in Syracuse are all idols that artists, writers and travellers placed at the heart of their Italian experience and recreated in their works. This book’s author combines chronicles, testimonies, literary works (by Shelley, Byron, Maupassant, Mérimée, Heine, Pound, and others) and offers an engaging depiction of those pilgrimages in search of beauty that a tour through Italy represented for many Europeans.

Attilio Brilli is a major expert on travel literature; his books have been translated into several languages.

Dissepolte bellezze
I. Un pellegrino dell’antico
II. Civitas Veneris
III. La seduttrice sotto chiave
IV. La Venere di cera
V. Da regina a bambola della Tribuna
VI. Una statua per la grandeur nazionale
VII. L’«accosciata» che sedusse Shelley
VIII. Nel palazzo di Circe
IX. Veneri da caminetto
X. Quasi come carne vera
XI. L’ariete in agguato
XII. Tannhäuser e il Venusberg
XIII. Mutazioni diaboliche
XIV. La campana che gelava le vigne
XV. L’impronta di pomice
XVI. Moniti dal sottosuolo
XVII. La nave con gli occhi dipinti
XVIII. La toeletta di un mito
XIX. Venere all’Esposizione universale
XX. Una rinascita modernista
Bibliografia essenziale
Indice dei nomi

See also

copertina Le buone letture di Ezio Raimondi
copertina History's Most Dangerous Journey
copertina Universal Justice?
copertina Razza