In Paris, at the beginning of the 20th century, painting emancipated itself from many of its old rules based on edifying figures, consonance, and colour balance. Now, it’s beauty’s turn to be ostracised. Features traditionally associated with the nude – such as grace and complacent sensuality – have been stripped away. Picasso’s ladies look at us menacingly, as if to emphasise the collapse of convention; the theatrical character of the scene increases its inflammatory intent. The harmony of forms vanishes completely in the brothel of the Demoiselles d’Avignon. The iconic work marks an irreversible upheaval in the history of art.
In this series (“Icons”), edited by Massimo Cacciari, authors from different backgrounds explore great icons of our cultural heritage – such as works by Mantegna, Pollock, Caravaggio, and Kiefer – that relate to key issues of our times.
Giuseppe Di Giacomo formerly taught Aesthetics at the Sapienza University in Rome.