Psychological tests are a fundamental tool in a psychologist's training. Their use, very widespread in the United States, has elsewhere grown more intense and structured in many different areas: evaluation in developmental psychology, educational and job counselling, the labour market, mental health. This volume supplies a complete, exhaustive overview of tests employed in psychological evaluation, not only drawing from the English-speaking world's tradition, but also, and most importantly, emphasising tools developed in Europe. The text introduces the reader to the basic parameters for evaluating test quality and then describes an array of test batteries, their metric characteristics, and the typical areas in which they are applied. This is a fundamental handbook for all psychologists, both in training and professional.
Contents: Part One: General Features. - 1. Psychological Evaluation Tools in the 21st Century. - 2. "A Priori" Test Validity. - 3. Rough Scores and Standardised Scores. - 4. Stability of Measures, or Reliability: Consistency in Recording Alpha. - 5. Stability of Measures, or Reliability: Consistency among Multiple Measures. - 6. External Criterion Reliability. - 7. Validity with Respect to a Function, or "Structural Reliability". - Part Two: Selected Application of Particular Interest. - 8. Using Tests for Planning Interventions Concerning Mental Retardation and Learning Delays. - 9. Using Tests for Planning Interventions Concerning Educational and Job Counselling. - 10. Using Tests for Planning Interventions for Personnel Selection. - 11. Using Tests for Planning Interventions Concerning Quality of Life. - 12. A Psychodiagnostic Test Battery. - Bibliographical References. - Index.
Lucia Boncori teaches Personality Testing Techniques, Counselling and Personnel Testing Techniques, Personality Questionnaire Development Techniques, and Psychology of Educational and Job Counselling at "La Sapienza" University in Rome.