Chapter 1: The Dark Side of Travel
Reticence and Saturnine Moods - Hidden Yearnings and Expectations - Before Laying Oneself Open to Travel - Companions in Adventure - Real Maps and Imaginary Mountains - Pro Itinerantibus Masses and Money Remittances
Chapter 2: The Roar of Wheels
Napoleon's Berlin - Rocking Coaches and Their Metamorphosis - The Coach Driver Is No Saint - The Infernal Stagecoach - The Family Carriage - The Well-Equipped Coach - The Dance of the Hours - Boats for All Waters - The Steam Engine's Vapours - Return of the (Horseless) Carriage - A Bizarre Appendage: The Velocipede
Chapter 3: Journeys in Progress
The Ways of the Lord Are Infinite - Throwing Water on the Smoking Stub - Seasonal Troubles and Emergencies - At Full Speed: Encounters and Clashes - Brigands' Voices - At Sea: The Quarantine Nightmare
Chapter 4: The Hospitable Tradition
Taverns, Hostels and Inn Rooms - The Halls of Knights Errant - Bedroom Oddities and Surprises - Rumblings from the Kitchen - Literary Cafés - Enchanted Springs
Chapter 5: The Traveller's Baggage
In Praise of the Trunk and the Suitcase - A Pair of Handy Pistols - Baskets of Delicacies - Magic Boxes - The Traveller's Wardrobe